Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Lovely Sleep

Lovely Sleep

Perhaps it's time to wrap our brain around some of the basics of self care again. Life has been anything but "normal" for most of us lately, but we may be coming back around to less confusion and more healthy structure of our own choosing. Could it be time to get back into that healthy routine you were involved in, or at least talking about, a year ago?
Let's start with sleep. Several of my friends and clients are talking about not getting enough sleep lately. It's important to work this out because sleep is vital to your skin health, your energy, your moods and your weight. Lack of sleep contributes to collagen breakdown, immune suppression, slow metabolism and cravings for sugar and simple carbs. It's called beauty sleep for a reason and you really gotta have it! A relatively simple way to get more of it, try a healthy night-time routine.
Play with this, take some time, it's all about you. Can you go to bed at the same time every night? Wake up at the same time each morning? It's not always easy, but give it a try. Most bodies love this. Walk away from the TV, your computer and your phone at least an hour before bedtime. Read, journal, meditate before bed, just stay away from lighted boxes of any sort, yeah? If possible, make dinner your lightest meal. This can be tough, especially if you're working a 9-5 job and have a family. If you can't make dinner your lightest meal, perhaps try to eat a little earlier and get into the whole meal prepping thing on the weekends. It can be a fun family project and really does make your week less stressful knowing you don't have to plan a dinner every single night. Move your body, but not too close to bedtime. Mornings are best for most, with stretches and walks throughout the day.
A possible evening routine might be a healthy dinner, a short walk and your favorite TV show or a quick social media check in. When you're ready to wind down, turn off the TV, the computer and your phone. Make your skincare routine something to look forward to. Brush your hair and secure it away from your face. Cleanse and perform a mini-facial massage in the process. A warm washcloth is a lovely way to remove your cleanser and get a light exfoliation. Some cleansing grains or a mask are a fabulous bonus a couple times a week. Applying your moisturizer is another opportunity for more facial massage. Hopefully you're a little more relaxed at this point and ready for some gentle yoga and/or meditation. If that's not your thing, skip it and make a cup of herbal tea to enjoy while reading a book or writing in your journal. Crawl into bed at whatever time you've chosen for yourself and turn off the light. It's believed most of us sleep better in a cooler, darker room... just sayin'.
(If you don't have a favorite herbal tea, let me suggest Calm Me Down! It's a lovely blend of lemon balm, chamomile, oatstraw and spearmint that tastes delicious and quiets your soul. You can find it (along with all my favorite skincare products) at Moondrop Herbals, )
We'll talk soon about some other ideas to consider for a healthy routine. For now, sleep sweet and take care of you, yeah?

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