Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Self-Care Every Day - Scalp Massage

Scalp massages are one of my favorite self-care practices. Consider treating yourself at least once a week before hopping into a warm shower or bath. Head/scalp massage supports the nervous system by alleviating stress; stimulates the lymphatic system, encouraging the elimination of toxins; helps break down muscle knots; relieves chronic neck and shoulder stiffness; increases oxygen uptake in tissues; and improves circulation. It is also believed to stimulate hair growth, improve concentration, and relieve migraine pain.
My favorite way to start is simply by brushing my hair with a huge paddle brush, then flipping over and brushing from underneath. Next, choose an oil to massage into your scalp. You can use a carrier oil like almond (soothes), coconut (adds shine) or jojoba (moisturizes) along w/just a drop or two of an essential oil like rosemary to stimulate and increase circulation or, maybe, lavender to help control dandruff and condition the hair. (Adding a small amount of oil is a lovely addition, but not necessary to benefit from the massage.) Start massaging from the sides of your head and working towards the top using the balls of your fingertips to apply the preferred pressure to your scalp, moving in small circles. Work your way toward the front and then back of your head.
Grasp fistfuls of hair at the roots and tug gently from side to side, keeping your knuckles very close to the scalp. Squeeze at the temples with the heels of the hands and make slow, wide, circular movements. Look down slightly and massage the back of the neck by squeezing and rolling the muscles.
I typically wrap up with another round with my paddle brush and then do a sort of mini-massage when shampooing and conditioning my hair in the shower. You'll be surprised how wonderfully energized you feel after making time for this lovely self-care treat. Take care of you, yeah?

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